ELECTROCOMANIET Preampliwire II any good?

I can get a >>> Electrocompaniet Preampliwire II <<< for $150. Has been upgraded by owner - caps, diodes & transistors & volume potentio-metre.

Is it good - especially for phono usage?

I can't seem to find any reference to this unit on the web. Can you help me out? Must I spend my money on this unit. I would appreciate your feedback.

Dewald Visser
The pre-II was an excellent pre-amp with a very acceptable phone section. Its age however is somewhere around 15-20 years old. If it is in good working order it is probably well worth $150. I was the Electro Importer in the mid to late 80's. when I owned Music & Sound Imports. Have fun with it. When they worked they were great. They did have some problems with noisy volume controls.

Audioparts Inc