Dlcockrum PS: I also have a nice stable of MMs: Empire 4000D/III, Signet TK-7LCa, Sonus Gold Blue, Micro Acoustics 530mp and 2002e, Astatic MF200, ADC XLM II Improved, and Shure V15 Type III MR. I read that some of you have liked the Empire with the ET Two. Is that still your opinion? What about the others?
A really nice set of cartridges Dave. You will want to hear them all over again with the HP manifold.
When you are up and running with it let me know if you would also like to experience the "420str". I can loan it to you for a few months.
For everyone on this thread.
I am very glad that Banquo363 decided to chime in here.
You see it was Banquo's personal 420str that he donated.... Bruce received, listened to and provided his review of here...
I am just the holder of it for the moment.