Eminent Technology LFT-VIIIa --- what amp?

I know the Eminent Technology LFT-VIIIa speakers are inefficient
and power hungry, so I would be curious to know what amplifier
the owners of these speakers are using to drive them.

I'm seriously considering the Odyssey Stratos w/cap upgrade and
wondered if anyone is using the ET's paired with this amp?
If so, would you please offer your opinion.

Thank You
Hi Sedona - I'm presently using a Belles 350A and have an H2O Audio Signature S-250 on the way. The Belles never broke a sweat driving the LFT8As.
The ET's are a tremendous value, but as you've pointed out they do need lots of juice to get the most out of 'em. I use a BAT VK500 (250wpc), plenty of current to drive the ET's. The BAT solid state gear is voiced to be slightly dark so speaker cable selection plays a role as well. My Transparent cables were a poor match, DH Labs Q10 are a great fit.

I also tried out a vintage Class DR-8 amp (70wpc) and it sounded very nice, but the bottom end and transients weren't quite as good as the BAT.
Hello Sedona,
A friend of mine owned the LFT VIIIa and they sounded very nice with my Audire Noble 2 mono block amps. (200 into 8 and 400 into 4) The Audires are built vertically so they dont take up much floor space. I ran my rm40s with these for some time. Im going to be listing them on the gon in a few days for 750 with free upgraded 1 meter pc`s as well as the stock pc`s.