Emm Labs CDSA 'X' upgrade

UK distributor mentioned an 'X' upgrade was going to be available soon for $5000 but hasn't got back with details. Anyone know anymore about the upgrade?
No, the current CDSA-SE is the $11.5K model that has been
around for a few years. This is evidently something new, and
it is not clear how this upgrade compares to the $25K EMM
X model technically (or in any respect). EMM seems to be kind of furtive about it, and they only info that seems to be available is here in this thread.
About 90% of the 25K model. less the Esoteric Drive and the new green power supply. Audibly, I was told 90% by an employee that would know. I can say it does sound "GREAT." I loved the CDSA SE but the X is superior.
I had my CDSA x-upgraded a couple of months ago and
I wrote a quick review of it in the digital reviews section
in case anyone is interested.
Rgs2, I can't find your review. Can you please provide the link? Thanks in advance.