Emotiva xpa 2 gen 2 power amp

Looking for this amp ...emotive xpa 2 gen 2. Is as good as all the reviews have at it's price point. Or should buy the gen3 amps that now out. Thanks


I'm a bit late to the thread but driving my McIntosh XRT-28s my Emotiva XPR-1 Monoblocks and XPR-2 two channel amp for outperform the McIntosh Mc-1201s and dual Mc-252s driving my McIntosh XR-290s ,from my experience Emotiva amps do better driving 4 ohm loads vs 8 ohm loads,on my 8 ohm XR-290s the big Emo's sound thin,but on the 4 ohm XRT-28s they deliver a full sound with such a massive bass slam that I MUST run my C-2500 Preamps bass control at -9db at all times,on bass heavy music I must go down to -12db ,for the right speaker such as McIntosh 4 ohm line arrays Emotiva amps are top flight .
Reading the threads here, wanted to chime in: Emotiva XPA amps are ALL Class A/B. The only Class D Emotiva sells is the PA-1 using ICE modules.
Hope this clears up some confusion.
(Disclosure: I work in Emotiva's service department)