My Investigations over many years have led me into the thought process that not all, but many Cartridges have shared the same internal / external parts across Brands. It is not unusual to discover over more recent years where Third Party Retip/Rebuild Services are sharing their findings and affirming that many Brands are quite similar in choices made for the components to be used to assemble a Cart’.
The above is not limited to a Variety of Brands offering a Cart’ produced by a Third Party Manufacturer, that becomes badged with a Brand Name, it also extends to Models from a variety of Brands Models that are Marketed as the Upper end of their Catalogue.
As stated in other discussions on this same subject, there will if scrutinised in some cases be discovered, that other differences are included in a design, such a Body Material, Styli, Rake Angle and Coil Windings, etc.
Where the difficulty is found from my observations, is how Manufacturers using the ’reported on’ common shared parts, are seen to compete in a very similar area of the Market, with a very close matched pricing. It does look like a Cart’ offered into a certain segment of marketing, are carefully matched for a pricing across Brands, that falls into an area, that it is surmised to be Strategy belonging to Low Turnover - High Mark Up for the particular items.
None of the above have caused concerns to myself in recent years, as I don’t rely on ’off the shelf’ Cart’s to experience my Vinyl replays, being replayed to a level that is competitive with the upper ranges of Cart’s offered from the Competitive Brands.
I know for sure there will be a day in the not too distant, where my methods are harder to continue with and an ’off the shelf’ Cart’ is looking likely to be the only easy to obtain Viable option. Where maintaining a SQ to the standard being experienced within the System at present is kept.
If I am still in need of an Upper Range Cart’ when this time arrives, is an unknown. As a basic preparation and attempt to keep informed, I will keep one eye on the range of Models being rated and keep an irregular check on the reports from their users, across a range of forums.