I for one am not convinced your room is imparting any real issues here. Doing some treatment might make a subtle adjustment, and it's worth doing (correctly) no matter what else is working or not working for you, but it's not going to change the flavor of the entire sound. I might get some people upset here but SS is known for being sharp, accurate, bright, revealing, etc. For some that's not a bad thing, but for others it is. It all depends on what you value as a listener. It seems like you have resources so you might consider a tubed preamp. I'm using a Modwright modified transporter and a Music Vault which has proven to be both more accurate and resolving, and much easier and more natural sounding than almost every CD player I found under $15k. In fact it's so good I'm considering losing the turntable altogether. Either of those might help you. If not you might need high power tubed amplification as well. Good luck!