Are you using regular disk's? I know that Dual Disc's are thicker than regular CD's and sometimes cause problems for certain transports.
Also, I didn't think to mention this before, but a remote can cause problems. Maybe if the batteries are not strong, or if you have another component that uses the same frequencies. On one of my Wadia's that has a Teac transport, the remote is a big block of metal, and if you're not careful, they can stick underneath the face of the remote if you push them down too hard. And it just happened to be the open/close button that stuck. It drove me crazy for a while until finally figured out what it was. I'm going into detail here because transports and remotes generally go as a packages. And since we both have Teac transports, our remotes may be similar. If you have a metal one, you may want to check it. I also have a couple of the plastic remotes. They don't stick.