Ethernet Clocking

i had previously reported that adding an Antelope 10m rubidium clock to the Etherregen results in major tightening of soundstage and location of individual instruments. To my great surprise adding filtering on the BNC 75 Ohms connection between clock and Etherregen results in substantial additional benefits. The filter used is a Mini-Circuits BLP-10.7-75+ DCto11MHZ model.

We are only beginning to understand how to maintain clean clocking on digital connections, it is of paramount importance to SQ.


@antigrunge2 im not a network engineer.  You don’t seem to understand the difference.    I design and build networking equipment.   The gear I work on provides networking to some of the largest retailers, colleges, etc in the US and worldwide.  My gear provides wired and wireless access to 3 of google, Facebook, apple, Amazon ;-). Have you been to Starbucks or McDonald?  :-)

You are welcome to remain unimpressed and you should :-).  Based on his white paper, I don’t think I’d hire John.   Perhaps a bit of critical thinking on what a fellow in company of 2 says would go a long way as well.

i have utmost respect for dcs company and products.  But it’s not because it’s audio that everything is suddenly voodoo.   I have access like you do if you and acquire knowledge to read them, to components specs.   There is zero, I mean zero, need for an external clock device.   A 1x1 inch square and less than 10$ makes a clock with 200-300 femto second precision clock that’s at least 1000x better than what anyone can hear.   And fact, putting a clock in another box far away can only screw it up more.   Who knows, maybe it sounds better this way?  

long story short.   I am very respectful of of what folks say they hear.  Analog, Everything goes.   Fuses, 10K cables, I won’t argue.   Amir will ;-).   The idea that bits aren’t bits is insane.   If you don’t believe that, you need to stop surfing the web, put your money in the bank, use a GPS, a computer, digital photography, mobile devices, drive a car made the last 30 years, if a bit isn’t a bit, none of those things work.  See my first post on this thread.   Bits aren’t bits comes about when you put bits through bad protocols like SPDIF and USB and the delicate operation of a DAC.  In the networking realm, a bit is a bit.  

@laltik I do respect your experience but his journey is not for me :-)

maybe if one day I can grasp one reason why those things work, I will.

“maybe if one day I can grasp one reason why those things work, I will.”


Here is one reason you stated in your first post, 2nd paragraph 😊

“I believe just about anything can affect sound.”

I also use the Afterdark Queen clock w/ an EtherREGEN with excellent audible results.