Euphoric Realism vs. Euphonic Romanticism

The 300B amp that I am using has a magical euphoric (not euphonic) realism and I am looking for a linestage and phonostage with the same qualities. The amp is not euphonic, romantic, 'golden', 'vintage,' soft, fuzzy, or veiled. It is immediate, transparent and fast, yet beautiful, 'human,' and emotionally communicative.

I have tried the top models from each of the following maufacturers so there is no need to suggest these:

Jeff Rowland

The preamp must be tubed and not passive.
well, since you ruled out supratek, i don't really know what preamp to recommend. from what i've read in reviews, you might want to try one of bat or vtl's top models. i have no experience with either though. this is just an opinion formed from reading too many issues of stereophile.
Are you usinga 300B amp with the MBL speakers? How do they work? More details please.
The best sounding linestage I know of is the Emotive Epifania with the latest upgrades. However, I hesitate to recommend that you try it because a quick review of your "system" suggests that you need to spend more time trying to optimize the sound of the equipment you have rather than just buying something new. ANY piece of new gear requires a careful investment of time to bring out its best. With the rapid turnover in your system during the past few months, I don't believe you have taken the full measure of any of your gear. Sorry if that sounds harsh but that's the way I see it.
