This is what my (obviously small) brain started to figure out with Minus K: very low f_res @ relatively low loads gives ultra low stifness and potential of being sort of wobbly. You seem to confirm that. As I see it, the difference between a turntable and e.g. an electron microscope is that the latter is pretty much static, while turntable is obviously rotatig, generating (micro)vibrations. What can be very efficient for isolating static loads from external vibrations, may have problems when the load is non-static: it has to deal with both external and load vibrations--it can get "confused"
The main reason for my inquiry is to isolate my deck from the suspended wood floor. As I understand the max power from e.g foot steps is located between 10-15Hz, so a f_res of 2-3Hz should in theory be enough. Thorlabs is a bit shy on the data of the platform, stating only f_res<3.5Hz and strangely wide load range of 45-180kg. If that f_res is at the max load, then the platform is substantially worse than the Vibraplane. I'm waiting for the additional data from Thor.
BTW, it's 1150EUR shipped in EU and the horrendous Swedish VAT paid. I'm also waiting for a quote from a EU Kinetic Systems distributor on 2210...let's see.
The main reason for my inquiry is to isolate my deck from the suspended wood floor. As I understand the max power from e.g foot steps is located between 10-15Hz, so a f_res of 2-3Hz should in theory be enough. Thorlabs is a bit shy on the data of the platform, stating only f_res<3.5Hz and strangely wide load range of 45-180kg. If that f_res is at the max load, then the platform is substantially worse than the Vibraplane. I'm waiting for the additional data from Thor.
BTW, it's 1150EUR shipped in EU and the horrendous Swedish VAT paid. I'm also waiting for a quote from a EU Kinetic Systems distributor on 2210...let's see.