Regarding Minus K, I have my TW sits on a platform on top of Minus K so aligning center of gravity on Minus K is a breeze even on unit like TW AC one where the motor stick out on one side. Regarding motion when moving tonearm, are you using your feet? Top platform on Minus K can move easily with enough force but seriously, moving a tonearm? May be if the whole turntable setup is 5 kg? I use a 100+ kg model as my TW+ Platform is just above 100kg. The amount of force to overcome the inertia is way way more than force require to move a tonearm. I certainly never notice any lateral movement on Minus K when I move tonearm in normal playing.
Never had a chance to compare to Vibraplane as it is not locally available and shipping from Europe or US would make it far more expensive than Minus K so that is not an option for me for now.
Never had a chance to compare to Vibraplane as it is not locally available and shipping from Europe or US would make it far more expensive than Minus K so that is not an option for me for now.