Excellent affordable cables and interconnects.

I'm in the market for a new set of speaker cables and interconnects. I have run into one maker who seems to have garnered a loyal following - Grover Huffman. His prices seem right and performance have been compared to those costing thousands. Any other makers out there that offer similar price/performance ratio? Thanks.
In terms of both IC and speaker cables, I have tried or currently own: LAT International, Anti-cables, Signal, Audio Art, Straley Reality, Morrow Audio, Blue Jeans, and Cobalt. My choice for speakers - Gregg Straley Reality; and after conducting my own "mini" shootout for interconnects - LAT International was tops, with Blue Jeans very close behind. I'm putting together a small tube based bedroom system with all Blue Jeans ... speaker and IC's (they don't make PC's, so Volex). Because of "price bias", initially I was surprised at how well the BJC performed. Of course YMMV.
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I have Morrow Audio 2 Series cables, interconnects & cords in both of my systems, they are very affordable and I can highly recommend them. In fact the Morrow cables replaced Kimber Select cables & cords that were many times more expensive in my main rig-the Morrow cables outperformed the Kimber Selects by a wide margin. Morrow offers a 60 day money back guarantee so there is no risk involved with trying them.
Thanks everyone for your timely inputs. I will look into each one. More options will be welcome.
Strateahed, did you compare the LAT interconnect with the Straley Reality interconnect? Which specific models were involved? thanks