Excellent affordable cables and interconnects.

I'm in the market for a new set of speaker cables and interconnects. I have run into one maker who seems to have garnered a loyal following - Grover Huffman. His prices seem right and performance have been compared to those costing thousands. Any other makers out there that offer similar price/performance ratio? Thanks.
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I have Morrow Audio 2 Series cables, interconnects & cords in both of my systems, they are very affordable and I can highly recommend them. In fact the Morrow cables replaced Kimber Select cables & cords that were many times more expensive in my main rig-the Morrow cables outperformed the Kimber Selects by a wide margin. Morrow offers a 60 day money back guarantee so there is no risk involved with trying them.
Thanks everyone for your timely inputs. I will look into each one. More options will be welcome.
Strateahed, did you compare the LAT interconnect with the Straley Reality interconnect? Which specific models were involved? thanks
I agree that Gregg Straley's Reality Speaker cable is wonderful.
With regard to interconnects, there is another fabulous choice from Joe Mazzaglia's Auricle Audio Design:
the uniquely designed hand crafted Encore Kapton IC's. His auctions can yield an even better bargain than the modest original list price.
His Signature Digital IC is incredible and also a bargain.
With every system and its owner being unique, there is no way to guarantee your personal "best" is identical to mine. But these are choices where you keep hearing so much pleasing detail with accompanying harmonic richness when a recording is great. I also like the flexibility of Joe's IC's.
When prices are reasonable there really is no special risk involved in choosing from highly recommended items.