Experience purchasing a used high-end cartridge

I am contemplating purchase of a used high-end cartridge with reportedly low hours. I found a thread from 2013 about this topic and am wondering if advances in online marketplaces have improved the experience or lowered the risk. I would like to hear from those who have purchased a used cartridge through Audiogon, US Audio Mart, or eBay within the last year. What was your experience? Would you do it again? Did you ever attempt to return the purchase and if so why and what happened? Listing of the seller would be greatly appreciated if willing to share.


I am saying that inspection by a competent disinterested professional third party is what I would require if I were to buy a pre-owned megabuck cartridge. Speaking for myself only. I guess you don't agree, and that is fine.

No, I agree that I would need your criteria met if I were to buy this hypothetical used cartridge. How many times can I say go for it? I don’t buy used cartridges so the point is moot, but I’m submitting to your hypothetical. But I also think this transaction is unlikely to occur in reality. Most sellers like a glide path, not additional complication and risk. Additional shipping is a risk. And how many sellers do you think would say, sure, here’s my cartridge, have an expert vouch for it, however long that takes, while I don’t sell it to anyone else. And Peter can take months to do work. Could happen. Sure why not. Once again, go for it.

I've bought 2 used cartridges from my local dealer, Sounds Of Silence, with terrible excitement and always the items were as described. No issues just good music.

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