FWIW I'll offer these comments, since you've asked for comparative experience. I own Zoethecus and have been looking at/trying Grand Prix. My system is entirely different from yours, fast SS and a little analytic. I also have raised hardwood flooring with area rugs (racks are on the hardwood flooring). The Zoethecus racks give a degree of bloom and color to the sound. You can read bloom as smear if you like, but that's a relative judgement, since the system has good prat though I have heard it bettered somewhat (on prat) with Neuance. Grand Prix gives a very tight, coherent sound with no added bloom, several degrees more coherent than Zoethecus. With a fast SS system that can track the coherency, the differences in the two racks are quite pronounced. Also, the Grand Prix is not made of maple so it lacks the maple warmth that comes with Zoeth. My main concern with Grand Prix is simply to make sure that the high degree of coherency does not create a sound which seems thinner and less musical to you; but I doubt that it will do that in a tubed system, and I don't have enough experience with it yet to determine that it does this with SS.
BTW, since you're going to CES, you might ask the Grand Prix reps about the issue of weight distribution on the triangular shelves. I seriously doubt that they haven't given it thought, and the shelves are matched in thickness to the component weight anyway.