Don't get too worried about the S 500, look for the S500II Stasis version. It's Class A to about 50 watts and then turns to Class A/B.
Nice amp, accurate, what you put in is what you put out.
I sent my Muse 160 II amp that had been doing sub duty for me for some time back to Muse. In it's place I had S300 II stasis, and put it in, not as big a difference as going from a B&K 442 to the Muse, but it was there, my subs integrate a bit better with the maggies which is no small chore.
Some people will laugh but, a sub amp makes as much difference as a driver change. Even a non audiophool buddy heard it one night.
He's an old friend and spending the night with his wife, so us phool were up late consuming adult beverages and as
we were feeling no pain, and I being in an X-perimental mood, swapped out the B&K for the Muse between sides of MSFL I-Robot, wholly smoke, he asked what happened. The B&K ain't no slouch or lacking for current drive, but it sure made a HUGE DIFFERENCE. The T-hold was even better.
Nice amp, accurate, what you put in is what you put out.
I sent my Muse 160 II amp that had been doing sub duty for me for some time back to Muse. In it's place I had S300 II stasis, and put it in, not as big a difference as going from a B&K 442 to the Muse, but it was there, my subs integrate a bit better with the maggies which is no small chore.
Some people will laugh but, a sub amp makes as much difference as a driver change. Even a non audiophool buddy heard it one night.
He's an old friend and spending the night with his wife, so us phool were up late consuming adult beverages and as
we were feeling no pain, and I being in an X-perimental mood, swapped out the B&K for the Muse between sides of MSFL I-Robot, wholly smoke, he asked what happened. The B&K ain't no slouch or lacking for current drive, but it sure made a HUGE DIFFERENCE. The T-hold was even better.