External Linear Power Supplies

Does anyone have any experience in comparing the following external linear power supplies:
SBooster (most expensive)
Small Green Computet
iFi Power Supplies (least expensive) ?

I am interested in effectiveness, and bang for the buck.

I would use one of these to Power a Chord Qutest, a SugarCube SC-2 and a Massdrop THX AAA Headphone amp.


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The Teddy Pardo supply is also leaps and bounds better than the switching supply built into the Bluesound Node.  My digital front end has now been improved across the board by adding the Pardo supply.  Tighter bass, more detail across the frequencies, better attack and decay, more organic and natural sounding overall, and sibilance has been banished.   I cannot really say enough good things about my experience with the dual 5V supply from Teddy Pardo.

@analoguefan How's the Zero Zone LPS going so far?  Does it get hot to the touch?  I'm interested in getting one for my streamer as well since the price looks reasonable.  Can you link which model you got?

@jerrybj Thanks for the link.  Looks like my current SMPS is 12v 5amp.  Will this be too low on max current at 4amps or is sufficient?