I know a few guys that have had good success with a Zero Zone 01-A
External Linear Power Supplies
@jerrybj Thanks for the link. Looks like my current SMPS is 12v 5amp. Will this be too low on max current at 4amps or is sufficient? |
Innuos Pulse Mini. I'm considering this one https://www.aliexpress.us/item/3256802540609695.html?spm=a2g0o.order_list.order_list_main.5.5a631802RTaupl&gatewayAdapt=glo2usa Low heat running Nichicon caps. |
Some good reviews for the Pulse Mini. Check some forums to see if a particular voltage input is beneficial i.e. does the Pulse Mini have a voltage sweet spot? A decent DC cable as well. I have some from Ghent Audio which are good and reasonably priced.
If you can afford it, I would buy an LPS that has good reviews. I love my Plixir Elite and TeddyPardo (and Coherent Systems UK) power supplies. Like my Teradak DC30 and FiiO LPS. Okay with the two generic dual supplies from AliExpress. Read somewhere a guy who liked his PD Creative on a BlueSound.
As you know, a good power supply will lift performance, and should be an investment with no regrets. |