Extraordinary recordings on vinyl

You've most likely heard or read of MF's +10 (on his 1-10) scale of rating music, both sonically and for content...

What are your favorite recordings (on vinyl) that tip the scale over 10?

Here's my first one... Steve Phillips "Steel-Rail Blues"

This lp is pure as the driven snow, not an unpure note to be found.
Here's one I've always thought was pretty much perfect. It doesn't do audiophile gymnastics but has perfect balance and should be a reference for all modern music... War "Greatest Hits" United Artists label.
Any of the later Harmonia Mundi recordings engineered by Pontrefract (sp) blow away even the "Golden Age" recordings listed above.

For starters I'd recommend a non-collectable (inexpensive) gem: Haydn's "Zingarese, landler and Nocturnes."

Fun, "hoe-down" Haydn and stunning sound.