Favorite Audio Ad

Advertising never ceases to amaze me - there are so many different angles that can be taken, some are great, some not so great. My current favorite ad, though, is the one that has been appearing in Stereophile for Paradigm speakers. It shows a woman decked out to be a sophisticated professional sitting on a chair between a pair of Paradigm speakers facing out into the room. Behind the three of them (they're all facing the same way) is a big brick wall and, of course, it's wood flooring.

Just to be sure that we understand how sophisticated this music lover is, despite her awkward positioning, she's studying the back of a John Coltrane record cover. She's so into it that she can't take the time to put her other albums away, though, as they're scattered on the floor at her feet including a couple that aren't even in their covers - they're lying there naked on the floor. Who, exactly, is Paradigm trying to appeal to with this? Every angle (except humor) that I look at this from breaks down. At least I get a good laugh every time I see it.

Anyone else have an ad they think is particularly good, bad, ridiculous, tongue-in-cheek effective, etc.?

I used to enjoy the tape ad (think that it was TDK) with the man seated in a chair with his hair being swept back from the sound. I beleive that this was an award winning ad and was done as print as well as television..
i was selling a sonic frontiers tube amp a while back and i took a picture of myself lying naked over the tubes, my dainty feet up in the air in joy and ecstacy of the music, surrounded by red roses and champagne glasses half-full. well, besides being horribly burned by the tubes (my buddy turned it on as a joke) it seemed that no one really appreciated good taste because i never got one response. ever. excecpt from the police.
Hey Dekay
That tape ad was for Maxell, and the year it was done - I think it was 1979, it won every advertising award there was.
A classic