Nursery Cryme
Genesis Live - it´s a pity "Supper´s Ready" is missing as it originally was meant be a double album
Selling England by the Pound - take away annoying and weak "More Fool Me" and put "Twilight Alehouse" instead and you´ll get the best prog album ever recorded
The Lamb - too American really and the side four is quite lame, almost an anti-climax to the epic
Gabriel took the magic with him and Collins too weak for lead vocalist. Never cared for Gabriel´s post -GENESIS efforts either.
However, surprisingly ...and Then There Were Three... is a very strong and very big sounding album and "beats" earlier 2 albums and I don´t miss there Hackett either. Collins best and most powerful/intense lead captured on tape. Well done, Phil
Genesis Live at Belgium TV Studios, March 1972 is prog´s best video. The lads were barely 22 years old.
"Land of Confusion" and "Jesus He Know Me" are hilarious and very intelligent videos from the master musicians, the best on the planet.
Steve Hackett did a wonderful job to bring old stuff alive for audiences again, after forty years of Gabriel´s departure... GENESIS LIVE REVISITED in tour 2013-14.
I was there and I got nearly 3 hours good old GENESIS songs live performed brilliantly and exactly as the originals by the best musicians available, the singer´s voice was incredibly close to Gabriel´s. Nad Sylvan´s very true to original yet his very own powerful singing nailed the perfect illusion of being in a GENESIS gig in the early 70´s. Not a single dull moment. I´m blessed not to missed that fantastic band and event. I sadly missed the original band in concert. This was my best concert ever by a country mile.
Steve Hackett is a hero and the true Knight of all England.
Me and by buddy were dancing with The Moonlit Knight and found ourselves shouting: Knife! Knife ! Knife!