Feeling the Spirit!

For whatever reason in my crazy mind, the Norman Greenbaum song, Spirit in the Sky popped into my head and I decided to give it a listen. Oh my! I streamed this through Tidal from the original album of the same name and was very impressed by the dynamics. With the volume at a healthy but listenable level, the opening guitar about floored me. Give it a listen. It sounds incredible for a 1969 recording.
Sorry. I know abominable is weak. It just gets to be quite the challenge to keep coming up with new and original mildly amusing slights. I will just have to bear down harder to keep the stream flowing.
Right in there with "Born to be Wild".

How about "In-A-Gadda-Da-Vida"

And just about any Jimi H. There was some real weird $hit! :-)

What slight is possibly mild?
More like sick to me.
At least I am glad you enjoy the music without any close minded, snide comments.

OP already said, "I suppose you’re right."

Your MDS is showing.

As usual.

Talk about sick.

And that is as mild as you'll get.
"It sounds incredible for a 1969 recording."

Good, reference quality recording started a decade or so earlier. 
For  R&R/pop, maybe a few recordings start showing up mid 60's?