Feickert analogue protractor....Owners impressions

I'm contemplating the purchase of this brand of protractor.

Over the years I have relied on a good friend to mount cartridges and set up the few tables that I have owned in the past.
Relying on someone else to do this was for good reason.

I would never make it as a watch maker or any other profession that requires a fine touch and skill with steady hands.
The time has come where I will have to do this totally on my own.

My question to you owners of the Feickert protractor is what is your experience with it regarding ease of use and accuracy compared to other protractors?

Secondly, the disk has strobe markings for speed set up, does the Feickert package come with a strobe light for the $250. selling price?

I asked these question of a dealer sent via a e-mail and have not received a reply as of yet.

Thank you for your replies.
Downunder,I just received my new Phantom Series II,and there "is" a set-up line for the cantilever,"and" stylus tip!...I believe all the necessary stuff is enclosed to allow for a very precise setting,of all parameters,except azimuth....

Here,the Wally is KING....assuming you have good(preferrably young)eyes.

I still would go with a Wally(only compared to my limited alignment accessories)as I was very impressed with it's attention to the slightest detail.

Btw,it was also quite cool,and the mirror could be used by those with a teenage daughter -:)

Forgot to mention,for those wanting a nice assortment of magnifying glasses,if you are close to a Barnes and Noble bookstore..."they" have about ten different types on display.Many look to be very good,with two different magnifying strengths(on each model),and a little led light too.The majority are quite small,and very good for this subject matter.
Good luck
BTW, downunder. I think you mis-interpreted what Sunnyboy posted. The fact that the Rega and MintLp protractors use the same Stephenson alignment equations will show roughly the same results. And to quote Sunny:

I should point out that its all to easy to compare the final alignment between the MintLP and the supplied Rega protractor.Could I have achieved the same quality of alignment using ONLY the Rega supplied protractor ? The answer is NO.

Nice comparison of the Mint and the Wally.

I will disagree however about the efficacy of Wally's etched groove vs. Yip's fine silk-screened line. I found the Wallytractor etched groove would actually "assist" the stylus into "finding" the etched groove, as it is cut with 45 degree sidewalls -- hence the stylus tip would push or pull ever so slightly on the cantelever/suspension of the cart to somewhat force it into the bottom of the etched groove.

While I never argued with the results I obtained with the Wally, it was always something that bothered me slightly...perhaps his most recent iterations of the tool have addressed this. Good listening,
