Feickert analogue protractor....Owners impressions

I'm contemplating the purchase of this brand of protractor.

Over the years I have relied on a good friend to mount cartridges and set up the few tables that I have owned in the past.
Relying on someone else to do this was for good reason.

I would never make it as a watch maker or any other profession that requires a fine touch and skill with steady hands.
The time has come where I will have to do this totally on my own.

My question to you owners of the Feickert protractor is what is your experience with it regarding ease of use and accuracy compared to other protractors?

Secondly, the disk has strobe markings for speed set up, does the Feickert package come with a strobe light for the $250. selling price?

I asked these question of a dealer sent via a e-mail and have not received a reply as of yet.

Thank you for your replies.
To anyone still interested,and an answer to the "Downunder one"(btw,don't count Federer out SO fast)!...

I communicated with Bob Graham on this exact subject yesterday.Basically to confirm what I felt I already knew....Since some of you guys definitely make me a bit insecure sometimes,with your "envelope pushing" approaches.

You're all "Fabulous Fanatics"(meant as a compliment).

He insisted(and I believe him)that the cantilever set-up jig is accurate to .001 inch(I hope that's good enough for most of us,but who knows with the Audiogoner hoy-pulloy crowd)and the 90 degree angled line(for cartridge overhang..."Downunder",which is marked ON the jig)is set for the Loefgren measurement.Of course one has to use the supplied "spindle adapter" for pivot to stylus distance,and align with the "holes" on top of the arm tube.Clearly stated in the instructions.

It could not be easier actually,and I now doubt I'll ever get the Wally,since it is being loaned to a friend,and I am totally confident in the Graham stuff.I've had enough waiting/fotzing around,and "need" to get "into" my music collection!

BUT DEFINITELY the Wally is fabulous for azimuth,and looks to RULE here!....ONLY(IMO)if you have good young eyes!Otherwise a good set of ears,and some familiar LP's will do fine -:)

Btw,thanks to those who sent me kind sentiments.....

Believe it or not,my pre/phono was delayed for one more week.My friend had the exact update done to his "same" unit,and got his about a month ago.He is going crazy,because he claims the V-Teflon cap,and Switch Mode Power Supply mods are a vast improvement over the original superb mod.

I'm SO worn out,that I have mixed feelings about the "fabulosity" of his sentiments....."Music Pleeeease'!

Next weekend is my BIG moment again!!

Hope the Barolo I've been saving for the "canned music celebration" is still good!

Best to all

Sirspeedy, i have had many of my ARC gears modified by GNSC Steve Huntley in the last few years with huge success. I now have ARC Ref 2 MKI and Ref Phono with Caddock resistors and V-Cap and Black gate Caps throughout the signal path. The Ref Phono is actually modified to my own spec. You will be quite happy with the results whichever gear you own. ARC or others. My Amps are ARC Classic 120's Mono's modified by Steve as well.

Back to the Phantom now, you have just received the series 2 and you own a Cosmos series IV. I have not received my Phantom yet but it's coming soon. Can you tell me what the effective lenght of the series 2 is as per your owner manual. Also, the pivot to spindle distance if you have it.
I hope that you enjoy playing the system as much as the Barolo.
All the best......
Smoffatt,I don't think I know about the specified lengths.I trust in Bob's set up tools.

This is the second time I've had my pre/phonostage modofied by Steve Huntley.He truly is one of the nicest folks I've dealt with,in the hobby.It;s nice to deal with someone who "really" knows his stuff,and is sincere!

Originally I had the Black Gates/Elna's put in,along with other goodies.

Now,along with the new Phantom/Orpheus,brand new Cosmos IV(which blows away my previous series III,in fit and finish/low noisefloor....GOD this is a gorgeous table,in the gloss black Fountainhead base/pump),and the custom job Jeff Rowland did on my two chassis 8t,I'm ablout to pop,in anticipation.....BUT....

I've gone through SO much aggravation,in my upgrade process,and having to push along component enhancements/repairs/upgrades(this industry really has to take a hard look at how customers are expected to pay "this" amount of money,wait SO damn long for repairs/updates,and be subject to some dealers who are "clueless" as to the finer points of potential problems,if it "really" wants to exist)that I am absolutely "numb",even though I assume I will have a far superior set-up soon.

I think I was most happy,with a simpler system,back in the day!This will hopefully change soon,or it's gonna be a couple of new Martin/Froggy Bottom/McPhearson acoustic guitars....Not such a bad proposition!

My experience with the Mint LP Protractor was wonderful. The product is outstanding, the instructions are super easy to follow, and Yip's communication during the process couldn't have been better.

I haven't tried the Feickert, but based on my experience with Yip, I'm going to stick with my Mint tractor.
Akimo, since you revive this thread let me give my opinion on Feirkert and Mint Lp. Feirkert is good to set up spindle to pivot distance. It's accuracy varies depending on whether it's pivot point is obvious like Schroeder tonearm. I have other tonearms which does not show the exact pivot point. Beside this, the pin that hang from the end of feirkert ruler does not allow exact vertical plumbing simply because hole that hold the pin ( by a screw ) is too large to allow exact vertical plumbing. Hence the inaccuracy. Beside that the line and dots are way too large. No way it can be accurate

As for mintlp ( I have all the mintlp for all my tonearm -3), it's definitely much more accurate but back breaking and tiring exercise. The loupe that Yip sold is definitely difficult to use ESP for certain catridges with cantilever within the body eg zyx omega with a ball blocking the vision. For those with such catridges , I strongly suggest to buy a specwell 10 x 20 monocular, with a tripod mount, close up len +2dpt. You will find setting the inner null point and checking the parallax error much easier. Check out optimalowvisiondotcodotuk. It's not cheap but who says this hobby is cheap?