Dear @jeff1225 : " You guys really do make me laugh. Don’t like the design so you are going to draw opinions about the sound but are not willing to actually hear it in a system. Thank you both for the entertainment. "
Well, I know that you already knew that audio world is in reality an audio circus where we can find out clowns as you. Nothing wrong with that or with me.
Now, you are totally wrong in what you stated because what I posted was and is not about " sound " that you said but several true facts ( not because I posted. ) on what surrounded that cartridge design where one of those facts is that the cartridge FR deviation is 4db-6db and this sole fact really makes me laugh. Now you are an active member of that wbf stampede that started 2 years ago by a gentleman with a system where only the speakers have a price tag of over half million big dolars. Go figure !!! Btw, you can go to the other Agon thread about " what the best cartridge " where you can continue " laughing ". Who cares.
"" I will be placing my order after I sell some of these crappy MM carts that Raul’s thread convinced me into buying without hearing. ""
It’s weird that you mentioned about when not many time ago you was really happy with. Next is one of what you posted on that issue:
""" I’ve purchased a Ortofon SPU A95, if you have a chance to try one I’d suggest it.
Signet 7TK-SU is still my current favorite on my Acoustic Signature Ascona and SME 3012R. """
That AT group 7TK is almost the entry level model and you was in " love " mounted in the 3012R that’s an stapede tonearm in wbf. Ridiculous for say the least.
Now a simple question: from next " crappy " cartridges which one of them you listened in your room/system? all where " discovered " in that MM thread:
AKG P100 LE, Technics 100C MK4 ( stand alone version ), Stanton 981HZSII, Nagaoka MP-50 Super, Grado " The Amber Tribute ", Acutex 320 III STR IMproved, Signet TK10ML-II, Azden YM-P50VL, ADC 27, Shure ML140HE, Nagatron 9600, Grado MCZ/A, Audio Technica Precept PC440 LC, Astatic MF-2500, JVC X-1MK2, Grado G-1+, etc, etc.
Your answer will be appreciated but before that I can tell you that any one of them can compete today with any top cartridge it does not matters if MC, field coil or the like.
""" I can absolutely trust my ears when I’m listening """, good because the ears of any humasn been is way limited where those ears can foolished you as happened too with the other gentlemans/members in that cartridge STAMPEDE.
You make my day. Thank’s for that.
Regards and enjoy the MUSIC NOT DISTORTIONS,