finalists in the big speaker search

Looking for a pair of speakers for under two-k, new or used, that have an unusually good soundstage, are a relatively easy load to drive using my little Naim Nait5i, and (obviously) sound great across the full spectrum -- but most important is the soundstage. I'm running Linn Ninkas right now and they sound great: agile, full, well-controlled, no complaints except for the image, so anything that succeeds them will have to do this one thing better than they do.

Other forums have led to a narrowing of the field to the following candidates, in no particular order:

The Joseph Audio RM-7si Mk-II or RM-22si
The Salk Song Tower
The Meadowlark Kestrel-2
Something by Totem
The Alon One Mk-I
The Audio Physic Virgo-II

Primary listening taste is Jazz, but rock and roll does have a place in my collection, and besides that the winning speaker would also be part of an eventual 5.1 home theater rig.

The room is eight feet across by fifteen-feet-six-inches deep, made of poured concrete and cindar blocks, and treated with d-i-y bass traps. Source is an Arcam FMJ-CD23, preamp is a Naim AV2, power is a gain-matched Naim Nait5i, interconnects are Belden 95259 coax with Cardas plugs, made by Blue Jeans, and speaker wire is cross-connected coaxial made by Element.

The Nait was hooked to my friend's Linn Katans (85db, 4ohm) in that room, and didn't move them worth a crud -- which I know is a power shortage because I ususally like the Katans very much.

Any thoughts that would help me narrow that list would be greatly appreciated. Plan now is to buy three pair (give or take) and audition them H-2-H.
Some very good points raised above, and I haven't tried Naim amplification before, but without a doubt and receiving my highest recommendation with particular consideration for vanishing ability, boundless sound stage and totally benign impedance curve....
...the Meadowlark Kestrel 2, by any account are phenomenal at their price and in fact compete at a much higher level.
Ideal for your quite small space and quite stunning to admire, if exquisite hand made timber work is your thing !
I've tried them with numerous amps, both high and low power tube and solid state with consistent results, personally I'd be trying to audition either Gallo Ref 3's or the Kestrel 2's with my amp to make the final call, they are both top gunners !
List looks like lots of small wee little buggers to me, wheres the big loudspeakers?
Bigger might not be better in my small and bass-heavy room. Even my Ninkas, if not carefully matched, can overpower the listener, and they aren't very big.
Dogman, your on the right track, with Joseph. I have the Josephs 22's and I also had them connected to a Naim AV-2 AND I also used a Arcam player as a source. I had them hooked up to Naim NAP-200 and a NAPV-175 amps.

I really loved the sound and kept it as long as I could. Only reason I sold the AV-2 was that I needed more inputs for a media room.
As for the sound, it is excellent. For the 22's, you absolutely MUST fill the bases with sand, to get the right sound.
Not sure if your in the NY area, if so, let me know and you can come by for a listen, with a left over NAPV150 amp and ARCAM player...