First impressions of new MH-DA006, Musetec flagship

I have received the 006 almost a week ago and have been breaking it in. The price at Shenzhenaudio is $3,900.00 USD, $600 more than the 005. The ad copy states:

"DA006 is a new generation of flagship DAC developed by Musetec over three years and launched in 2024. During this period, it has undergone more than ten revisions and adjustments.

Compared to the previous DA005, the listening experience of DA006 has been improved in all aspects. DA006 has clearer and richer details, a stronger sense of texture, a more stable sound base, better detail control, a wider soundstage, fuller and more powerful, smoother and more natural. . ."

Some brief listening during break in has been very very positive. I will report back when it has run at least 300 hours.


@sns  My first reactions to the 006 were much like yours. I was practically having orgasms. The nit picks didn't crop up until later.

Because I highly respect your opinion, I've marked my ad off. I will give it more time.

@sns @dbb How does the MH-DA006 sound connected directly to an amp. I don't have a preamp.

@brbrock  I listened to it direct for about an hour or so using the digital volume control in the dac.  It was clear and smooth, but, as I have always experienced, a loss of some dynamic punch and texture occurs after removing the preamp.  I imagine better results could be obtained with  a passive preamplifier that matched well with the amp.

Dear friends, I offer a mea culpa. I have gotten to the bottom of my complaint that some higher frequency sounds seemed “off” with the 006. The conclusion is not what I would have guessed. After doing near obsessive listening and swapping of streamers, and spending several thousand dollars for a used highly regarded tube preamp, I have concluded that the problem is not the equipment but my hearing. At the age of 75 I have developed some mild loss in my ability to accurately hear some higher frequencies. I will spare you the long version of the story. Please consider my critical comments on the highs sometimes being off as withdrawn. 

@brbrock I haven't listened to 006 sans preamp like I have with 005. Loss of bits wouldn't be so much a concern since so much resolution here. Issue would be exactly what dbb stated, I've also tried and owned a number of passives (still have a Schitt sitting around, and my Coincident 845 SET has choice of passive pre or direct modes) over the years, you'll have exactly the same problem, it will solve issue of lost bits though.