Flat Screen Television behind speakers

I have a large 75” flat screen TV in my living room and want to know how bad this can affect the sound. The speakers have to go right against wall pretty much and the TV is in between the speakers. I have large acoustic panels right behind the speakers  and then 2 subs on the outside of each speaker which also have acoustic panels behind them. Question is should I move the speakers to the outside further away from the the TV and swap the subs inward closer to the TV- or would the bass reflection from the subs be even worse? The television is mounted higher on the wall so maybe the subs are better positioned on the floor?

Aerial Acoustic 7T x 2 

Pass XA30.5

Rel 528 x2


I have a 65 inch plasma hanging on front wall behind my speakers. I put a colorful light blanket/throw over the TV when 2 channel listening. I bought a couple plastic clamps from the dollar store to hold it up at top corners. Works quite well so far. Happy listening. Your system is awesome 👍. Greg 

You can try these sliders from Herbie’s that’d allow you to easily slide your speakers out from the wall for serious listening and push them back after.  They also are reported to have sonic benefits so might be a win win.  Just a thought. 

I read the Jim Smith book and followed his recommendation

of nothing between your speakers and honestly it was like 

upgrading a component. Really big improvement.  Like said above less reflections the better

Good luck Willy-T

It depends a bit if your speakers are front firing or rear transmitting like electrostatics.  Putting regular speakers against the back wall causes reflections to the sides and off the ceiling and floor, not so much off the back wall which the TV would affect, but there might be minor effects on soundstage.  I like the suggestion to just pull the TV and try it both ways. Use YOUR ears, not internet advice.

Put a wool blanket over the lady friend, then do what you want.  Out of sight, out of mind.