Floorstanders for $3500

Has anyone compared Revel F206, PSB Synchrony or Imagine, Vienna Acoustics Mozart, Acoustic Zen Adagio, Von Schweikert, Spendor, KEF, etc. I would like to hear opinions of towers in this price range & what one thinks is the best buy, new or used.
Ag insider logo xs@2x47ghibli
Well now that we know the size of your room, amplification, musical preferences, I stick by my Grand Veena recommendation.

There is a pair of Coincident Super Eclipse 3's for sale right now at 2500.00. Totally tube amp friendly and a good size for your room. They look perfect in the photos. That's my recommendation for today.

BTW, your original list didn't include anything that would be considered tube friendly except maybe the Acoustic Zen. Remember, the amp/speaker marriage is extremely important.
I had the Super Eclipse IIs a few years ago. It literally went this way:

Received and set them up on a Tuesday.

Listed them for sale on a Wednesday.

Sold them on a Thursday.

Couldn't have been happier that was over.....

Shakey, perhaps that is why there is a version 3. I have not heard either version. My suggestion was based on the tube friendly drive and generally favorable comments received by Coincident speakers and amps from reviewers and consumers. As they say, your mileage may vary.
Rhljazz, is your statement about my list of speakers not being tube friendly based solely on their efficiency ratings (sensitivity in db)? If so, 90-100 watts/channel is more than many tube amps & I thought sufficient.