floorstanding speakers for NAD C-320BEE amp

what speakers would complement the sound of the NAD amp best? The price should be $1000 or less, new or used.
Hi Tony:

Last year at this time, the British Hi Fi Magazines were big fans of the NAD 320BEE and the Rotel RA-01 integrated amplifiers. The Rotel tended to get the edge, because it had a phono input. The speakers that the two amps were almost always paired with were the B&W 602S3. So, actually your findings would make a lot of sense with What Hi Fi and some other British magazines.

Regards, Rich
Acoustic Energy EVO 3 floorstanders at $699.00 a pair retail ought to do the trick. What HIFI's winner in that price catagory by far! These are a steal.
I have an old NAD 7250pe and I love it with my Axiom m22tis. It is similar in sound and power to the 320bee. Of course, YMMV.

NAD's own recommendation for the NAD 320bee is PSB Alpha T, by the Canadian manufacturer PSB, which happens to be owned by the same holding company that owns NAD. A new pair is currently (Feb 11, 2004) listed at $349 on eBay, retail is about $550, I believe, but might be wrong.

Most recently TAS recommended the C320BEE mated with the PSB Image 5T.
Retail is $799 but can be found much cheaper at any dealer, my local dealer recommended the PSB Stratus Silver i with the NAD, can be found here for under $1000 used.