Jim/Larsman...tnx for the input. Focal is replacing my factory cable (great support) but I was/am interested in upgrading. I'm near a Cardis dealer. Jim...which model Cardis did you go with?
Focal Clear Headphone Cable Problem
My balanced (4 prong) cable that came with the headphones has a loose connection somewhere under the insulation. Anyone know where to either
a) Buy an upgraded bal. cable. or
b) Get the factory cable repaired.
If anyone has had a good upgrade experience, I'm all ears.
I'm constantly having to wiggle the cable to get my Right Channel back. I'm suppose to relax and enjoy the music!
Tnx !
I highly recommend taking a look at LavriCable as they make high quality cables at very reasonable prices and fly below the radar. I got an excellent 1.2m balanced cable with silver wire and top connector/plugs for only $253 for my Hifiman Arya Stealths and it’s a big improvement over the stock cable. Here’s a link to the cable and how I configured mine.