@bobbyloans That is not a very big room, and I would worry about the Focus SE in that space. Where did you listen to both the Focus SE and Signature SE? What was the size of the space and the electronics used?
The Signature SE easily fills a room that size and can be placed closer to walls due to its sealed design. The Focal will work better at least 3’ away from walls. Also, your electronics are considerably neutral, with the Gustard being a bit more analytical. I would be concerned with pairing this stack with Focal.
My bet would be on the Signature SE. You can even inquire with Legacy to build them with the upgraded drivers found in the Signature XD. Your electronics should be able to control them well, and they fit the space nicely. There are plenty of other speakers on the market as well. I’ve learned that bigger is not usually better, and matching the speaker to the room is most important. I learned the hard way when I went from the Focus SE to the Aeris in my 19x23x18 showroom. I now have a pair of custom Signature SE on the way for the floor, but since the Aeris I scaled my speaker size down to Borresen Z3 Cryo, which only have two 8” woofers. Heck, even the small floorstanding Scansonic MB-2.5B can fill my room largely without subs.