dekay, My parents had a "Wards" charge account, so our home had washer-dryer, range, lawnmower, mixer, my "3-speed" bike, and many of my early clothes and other things from there. I am not sure if it was just the local store or passed down from my grandparents, the Wards loyalty. The first shopping center in Iowa City was/is the "Wardway Plaza"....much of it is still there, but no Wards. In my youth most towns seemed to have a Wards, a Sears and a J.C. Penny....before the days of K-Mart and the like...which are all gone or nearly gone now as well. It is simply sad that after GM killed better car companies, like Packard..etc. Americans just filled that gap with Toyota, Datsun, Mercedes, BMW...and many more. If anti-trust laws had been enforced and politicians had not been bought off, perhaps the best cars in the world would still be made in America? Packard was called "The Car of Kings", and they were. The film "Tucker" still didn't go where the truth was about "the big three" and anti-trust laws being ignored.
I am very pleased that so much of great high-end audio is made in this country. I wonder if it is because of the high-end still being a niche that most former U.S. brands, like RCA, are from Taiwan or the like?