For those of us over 60..

What band's output would you say best describes you/your life as you see it?

For me, Allman Brothers
I am 70, so I hope I am no to old for an opinion. Old enough to have actually seen Elvis in concert. When I think back I would have to say the Beach Boys influenced me in my teens to start surfing along with Dylan and folk music. As I got older the "British Invasion" took over with " I can't get no Satisfaction" among many. I even got kicked out of high school, because my hair was touching my ears. (yes, sent home till I got a haircut) Then came Woodstock and everything changed again. Nothing better than a hit of weed and listen to "Sargent Peppers" or "Dark side of the Moon." As I got older Disco took over for a while but please don't hold that against me. As I think back so much music influenced my life and I guess Garth Brooks summed it up the best in "The Dance." "It's my life, it's better left to chance. I could have missed the pain but I would have missed the dance"ROCK ON !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Great question. All of these are good. I'm 61 and being an east coast teen in the early seventies, Springsteen really hit me. I felt like I had lived most of his lyrics. "Barefoot girl sitting on the hood of a Dodge drinking warm beer in a soft summer rain" takes me back to 17 every time I hear it. I know I've posted it here before as a favorite lyric. I guess that's why it has stuck with me for 40+ years.