Mitch2's pic is of Green.
Powell interviews Kait screen to screen (fast forward).
For those who miss Geoff
Thought some of you may enjoy this, or not.
Geoff: In the event that you are monitoring this thread - this one's for you...
DeKay |
@jerrybj , actually, I rather liked George. Although he was too opinionated and loved to argue, I learned a lot of technical aspects of audio from him. As far as Geoff, I always wished I could have smacked him😂 |
@mitch2: Michael Green’s Room Tune was just a piece of foil-backed fiberglass insulation inside a cloth-covered frame. I imagine at his retail prices he made a fair chunk o’change back in the 90’s. I still have a pair, and some Corner Tunes. Those two models are legitimate (though not very high-tech or sophisticated), but his Corner Tune was purported to be a bass trap, which it most certainly was not. It too was just a piece of the same insulation, the round shape of the Corner Tune "enclosure" employed simply to create the impression that it’s design was akin to the ASC Tube Trap, which IS a real bass trap. In his room at the CES in Vegas in the late-90’s, Green had his tuneable loudspeakers spaced waaaaay far apart (and placed diagonally in the room, iirc, and quite away from all the room walls), with Room Tunes placed around them. I was surprised how good the imaging was with that speaker arrangement. But I have long felt many set-ups have the speakers too close to one another. And often too close to the wall behind them. Our damned small listening rooms!