Dear both , my beloved ddriverman and Sampsa 55.
First the ''curious'' anti-skate by 345. The picture included
by Sampsa is the version 245 for which I stated to have
similar anti-skate with FX kinds. To prove my statement
wrong the picture of 345 or 407 would be needed.
Dear ddriverman, I have no idea about ''new Ikeda silver wire''
because I still use the ''old one''. The PR used by Kondo san
to promote his ''matured silver'' can not be ascribed to me.
I only mentioned two , say, opposite opinions about ''silver
kinds''. BTW there are persons who swear by Audio Note
cables , phono-cables included and If I remember well
Dertonarm offered both for his rewire. I like disputes; this
seems to be ''natural'' by my profession (grin).