Once I got my vinyl setup, I quickly stopped listening to digital. I'm sure that there are digital systems that I would enjoy as well, but in my room and at my budget vinyl is far more enjoyable.
I also find that when I sit down to listen to vinyl, I focus on the music. I choose something that I really want to hear, and I play an entire album side. With digital, I find myself skipping songs, searching for other artists, listening to parts of songs, etc. After a digital listening session, I don't feel relaxed like I do after a vinyl session.
And finally, I love the ritual of taking out a record and cueing it up. I have no patience for downloading, streaming, etc. The last thing I want in my listening room is a computer. Reminds me too much of work.
Since I have converted to vinyl, I have been so much more connected to the music, and I look forward to every listening session.
Happy New Year to all!