Free Absorption Panels

I live in SF Bay area and i have 6 2x2 and , 3 2x4 Panels for Free. Let me know if anyone is interested. 

I live in Staten Island and have 3- 2'x4'x2" and 4- 2'x2'x2" ATS accoustical panels I no longer use. I also have a pair of 36" metal stands, shot loaded with spikes.They are all free, just pick them up.  Anyone interested please PM me.

I'm interested in the panels. Are they still available? Is there a way to send a picture? I'm in Sonoma county and about to head out of town but could meet you early August if that would work.


A heartfelt thanks to Ronrags.
He gave me a bunch of ATS panels to play with.
Thanks Ron
PS- I just contacted Core Power about their units.