Free air, tighter bass - snake oil or cheap tweaks?

Usually when we talk about snake oil it's because some one is out to make a buck on the gullible.  In the case of these tweaks I want to recommend I'm not going to make any money, and you may not spend any either, but I find them useful.

Cover your Speakers

I don't know why a modest change in your acoustics can make such a difference but I usually find that covering my speakers adds a lot of air and room ambiance.  I like to use some thick curtains that I've had from a house a long time ago.  Works really well.

Weigh Your Speakers

I don't mean put them on a scale, but put a weight on top.  Of course, this doesn't apply to those with behemoths.  I find this especially useful with lightweight speakers that are on stands or very small footprints.  Think 2-ways, both bookshelf and floor standers.  I think the additional weight resists the tendency of the woofer to move the box back and forth, creating a kind of Doppler distortion in the bass. In some cases I find this tweak can really make a speaker sound tighter and clearer from the mid-bass downwards.

Clean up the Floor

We often pay attention to the walls, but not the floor, especially behind speakers.  I find that room treatment, cushions and blankets here can really cut out hash I didn't know I had. 


I added weight (door stoppers, 2.8kg) on top of my bookshelves. However, the real deal comes from the decoupler below the speakers, specifically two layers of drum dampeners.

@ericsquires Great thread man! 

I found out that a really big "live" room sounds a lot like a bar band venue when i crank up the volume. Some reverb is actually preferable to a dead room. I've had good luck with thick Oriental rugs and hiding sound absorbers behind tapestries. 

Because my wife wants things to be "just so" In her great room I've had to forego the ultimate treatments.  Someday I plan to build a dedicated man cave cigar friendly old English club style listening room in the basement. The trouble is everything I want anymore costs insane money and I'm not Jeff Bezos.

Dreaming about and working towards the "next thing" is sometimes more fun than the score. 

Not exactly cheap, but Myesound stands on my Magnepan 1.7i was worth the added expense, IMO. Also, inexpensive sound scattering panels behind the Maggie’s was a nice little improvement.

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