Freezer Cryoed Cables...

Hi all, you can get about the effect as Cryoed treatments by putting your cables or components in the Freezer for 24 hours and then put them in the refrigerator for one or two hours.........this REALLY works!!! Try this with the cables you have now.......Try this for yourself and see if you "hear a difference"............Richard
Well, thank you Mr. Gunbei( pronounced Goom-bay to the uninitiated). I don't understand why some people mistake you for that green,slant-headed clay character.The key word that nailed it for me in that AA thread was "don't" when it should have been "doesn't". Bad grammar will nail you every time. Now on to a less serious note, I just sent a few porterhouse steaks(my fave) to NASA to be cryo'd and they tasted far better than a standard frozen steak. Somehow the muscle fibers in the meat get in better alignment after cryo'ing. When you cut the steak against the grain, the bite just melts in your mouth and the flavor just bursts forth on your taste buds. UMMM, YUMMMMY. I'll stick to cryoing vs. freezing. It's worth the extra cost to me.
What extremes we psycho audiophiles will do for improvement to our rigs.
A dedicated freezer to cryo?
Freezers are best for ex-girlfriends who stiff us.
Slapman,you need a freezer! :~)
Everybody, Kevin R Holt, a member over at, he said that he will give my freezer tweak a try. Kevin will be telling us all if this tweak worked for him this Sunday, sometime..........So STAY TUNED!...........Richard
David99, "Freezers are best for ex-girlfriends who stiff us"? Are we going to see be seeing you on "America's Most Wanted" soon? Don't give Slappy any ideas! Him having his Ex in the freezer could get really twisted, defrost, freeze, defrost, freeze, etc..... See the pattern? ;0)~
Sherod, you may not have to send any of your delicious steaks to NASA.

When I used to buy steaks and hamburger patties from Omaha Steaks they'd send them to me via FEDEX in a giant styrofoam case filled with dry ice.

Why not just order them here? The Potatoes au Gratin and New York Cheesecake kick major boo-tay!;jsessionid=5AE06602BDC4D85A41DC1D5FBE9BEB79?Dsp=14&PCR=1:100&PID=null&IID=4603&ITMSUF=XE&RAND=H3528

After you've received your nice freezer burned choice cuts, you can throw all your interconnects into the styrofoam container and let them turn blue overnight before the dry ice melts.

Who needs NASA, Amana or Frigid-Aire?

And guys, I think Slappy already tried this on his recent psycho booty chick.