French Female Vocalist Jazz Blues Suggestions ???

I would appreciate some suggestons for music performed by French female vocalists Preferebly Slower Jazz or Blues but I am also open to pop and Rock. Thanks!
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Coralie Clement - Bye Bye Beaute

Perhaps a bit too pop, but an excellent voice
Miss Kittin and the album "I com" do a great version of 3ème Sexe, sung in French. A very delicate and melodic pop song from a real popular techno singer.

You can sample it here:
Madeline Peyroux ..... as several other above have recommended above. Sultry, sexy, & bluesy.

I'm actually listening to her right now ;-)
Patricia Kaas definitely fits the description of what you're looking for...jazz / Blues influence and very French, her debut album "scene de vie" is quite good. goes back at least 10 years or so.