From Sonus Faber Extrema to...

Hello Everybody, I'm a prowd owner of a nice pair of Sonus Faber Extrema speakers, see pic downstairs.

They sound lovely paired with my Conrad Johnson MV125 or with the couple of Accuphase P360 amps I own, bridged to monos (actually I think the CJ is a far better match).

Anyway, I was trying to figure out if an upgrade, speaker wise, is feasible or otherwise it could easily transform to one of my biggest regrets having to part with these lovely speakers.

Do you think that a much modern speaker (but still used), considering a budget of what I could get from the Extrema + 1 or 2 grand could represent a solid upgrade? I was considering some Avalons (not really modern actually) like the Opus or Eidolons, Some Wilsons (Sabrinas/Sophias) or B&Ws like the recent 803 D3.

Any advice in general, but in particular from anyone that used to own (or still owns) the Extremas would be very very appreciated.

Thank you!


Anyway, I'm still not convinced to do any step.

About sound quality, the SF driven by the CJ are a great match, with lush voices and a richness in the musical message to die for. The CJ is a bass beast too. I just have sometimes the slight feeling that the 2x125watts are not enough.

The two Accuphase in mono overcome this limitation, but they are not magical as the CJ and they bring some fatigue when listening at higher levels.


I hope you are as happy with your SF speakers as I am with mine.


Your SF will be near impossible to replace for sound quality. Maybe an Avalon Eidolon as per @Gregm. Have you thought about a pair of CJ Premier 12?

Hi Robertofabri,

I am also a lover of Sonus Faber, and I currently have a couple of Olympica II, they sound very good. As an amplifier I use an Audio Analogue Puccini Anniversary that drives them without problems. Regarding your thought of changing your Sonus Faber Exstrema and in relation to your excellent system, you should, as others have already told you, go up a lot to have a real improvement, you should turn to the Sonus Faber Guarneri (stand) or the Sonus Faber Serafino (but here we are on high prices). In your place I would be like this since you are already at a very high level.

Kind Regards

Alessandro Catalano


Love the space.

I would go for Sonos Faber speakers versus b&w.

That's a lot of weight on those bookshelves. Those records really heavy.  No doubt secured extremely well on the wall along those rails.

I would Drift away from bookshelf speakers.