Front end system for music streaming

I am not sure if this posting is in the correct forum.
I need help in understanding the setup options for a system. I am looking at Sim Audio 600i with M1i Monitors and a Rel R-528 sub woofer. I am tossed between Cambridge 851C or the Sim Audio 380 (due out in Sept). Anyway, I have no real music collection at this time except what is on my i-pod.
I am very interested in what is happening with music streaming from the internet. So I plan to start there. With this in mind, do I need a PC or some other device to manage the music from the internet? What recommendations do you have? Many thanks!
Just spoke with my Simaudio dealer. Apparently there has been a delay in releasing the MiND system as they work out a few bugs in the software. Should be soon, though...
My dealer is expecting it to arrive at the store in early December. He placed an order a couple weeks ago with Simaudio.
Just picked the MiND 180 up to demo today. Will post comments on performance soon...