Furniture polish vs. Walker ultra vivid on cd's

I have been using furniture polish on my cd's for a couple years now. I have been happy with the more analog sound it creates. Better focus, less harsh and such.

I never knew what the expensive products such as Walker ultra vivid and others would be like in comparison. I figured at 68 times more expensive the Walker type products have to be better.

Well, I finally bought some Walker ultra vivid and was eager to see what I've been missing the last couple years. My wife actually did the comparison with me. We did this using a cd cleaner to reclean the cd afterwards and did the comparison several times to verify our findings of the two products.

It was intersting, but my wife said it first that the Walker did not sound as good. She said it even before I had a chance to say it first that the female voice on one of the songs had a harshness. I agreed with the same findings. Simply, the Walker was more fatigueing with the digital brightness.

Now, I would have liked to of tried several of the other types of cd fluids during this same time, but I at least knew that the furniture polish over the last two years was not a waste of time.

I am curious if anyone has tried something that works good like furniture polish or did some type of comparisons.
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One thing, how do we know that the cd fluid products manufactured don't have anything in them that could do damage to the cd 10 years down the road.

All these cd treatments on the market are relatively new. The only true way to maybe be safe is nothing at all, but whats the fun in that.
Shine Ola has worked great for me and is pretty cheap, 20.00 bottle
What kind off furniture polish do you use?
If this stuff gets on the laser, the least it will do is make it harder for the disc to be read without errors. If you are actually hearing different sound, it's probably because the player's error corection is filling in the blanks.