Furutech spades on copper cables

I want to make DIY speaker cables.
I have Furutech copper-silver-copper-rhodium plated spades, that I'm planning to terminate copper multistrand wire with.
Speaker binding posts are WBT 0710 Ag (Silver).
My question is- would terminating copper wire with this particular connector, vs. the gold-plated one, be a problem?
Is there any rule of thumb with regards to matching cable material with the material used on speaker binding posts (Silver with silver, or copper with copper), or with the material, used on the cable connectors?
Thank you,
I have ratcheting crimping tool. So far, I only tried it once with Analysis Plus spades, and it was absolutely PITA experience- it takes huge effort to crimp this fairly thick-walled connector.
I would imagine, hydraulic should take much less effort?
Mitch2- are the casts supplied with that tool suitable fro audio purposes?
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The tool comes with a wide range of die sizes and I did find them to be suitable for the Furutech spades I used. I have previously used the larger spades with the two set screws;
but for my most recent application I used the smaller spades, choosing a minimal material approach,
The dies have a hexagonal shape and do not have a center point, like with a hand crimp tool, but the superior pressure provided an exceptionally tight fit. I have not tried the tool with solid core wire although I suspect it will work equally well. The wire I used was;
They came out great. I made a bi-wire pair for my monoblock amps so they have four spades at the speaker end and a pair of spades on each amp end. I toyed with the idea of doubling up the bass run but after consideration I thought the symmetry of using the cables the way they were intended and of running the same cables to both LF and MF/HF would be preferrable. They are about 12.5 awg cables but the run is only 4 feet so the gauge is IMO totally adequate. I need to update my system page because of several changes in equipment and cables but haven't had the time. Regarding the sound of the cables, the Furutech reviews pretty well nail it, they deliver a very balanced, smooth, solid, and slightly dynamic sound that does not "wow" you but just seems right over time. I have used a variety of really good cables from Cardas, Purist, Harmonic Tech (excellent speaker cables), and most recently AZ double barrel, and I do not miss any of those. Here are some links: