Fuse Direction for Pass Labs Amp and Preamp

I am going to re fuse my Pass X250.8 and XP-32 with Synergistic Research purple fuses in a couple of days. I was hoping to get advice on a rule of thumb for direction of the fuses. My instinct tells me to start by installing the fuse by the direction of the lettering on the fuses. I am thinking that the direction should be the lettering left to right with the beginning of the lettering facing out of the amp and the end of the lettering facing into the amp. Does this sound right?


      Inescapable FACT: No one understands exactly how electricity works.   

      That’s why there’s so much Electrical THEORY.     

      The number of Wiki-Scientists on these pages, attempting to win the IG-Nobel Prize in Pseudo-Physics, is always amusing.           

      Whenever some educated someone actually does discover exactly how electricity does function, they’ll be lauded by the scientific community, will have solved some of the disparities between Relativity and Quantum Mechanics, receive a Nobel and we’ll hear about it.     

      Newton’s THEORIES were largely superseded by Einstein’s, then came Feynman’s.       For now; none of you can categorically prove your statements (theories), regarding fuses, wires, or anything else, as regards our systems.    

      The following are for your edification/education/correction (which is why most of you won’t bother to read the links):


 then: http://hyperphysics.phy-astr.gsu.edu/hbase/Forces/qed.html#:~:text=Quantum%20electrodynamics%2C%20co....      and: https://bigthink.com/philip-perry/an-updated-feynman-experiment-could-heal-the-rift-between-quantum-...                         

      Happy listening, even to those that refuse to follow the scientific process of observation and experimentation, in their own systems, with their own ears, FOR FREE (ie: 30 day return policy, from some manufacturers).

I have not tried any boutique fuses, don't know if they make a difference or not.

But I would really like to hear from the 'philes that have heard differences, in particular what are these differences?  I honestly don't think my ears are up to the task.




Happy listening, even to those that refuse to follow the scientific process of observation and experimentation, in their own systems, with their own ears, FOR FREE (ie: 30 day return policy, from some manufacturers).

@barts, how will you know if you don’t try? There are literally thousand’s of posts here on Agon alone that describe what they hear and how to do it. You don’t need an uber expensive fuse either. Try the Acme Special Coated Audio Labs Silver Cryo Fuses at $20 a pop.

Your ears are no worse than some of our long in the tooth members here, including myself.☺ It sounds as if you’ve already talked yourself out of trying. What’s the expression? Nothing beats a failure but a try? Remember this is a hobby and it’s supposed to be fun!


Ya puts the fuse on a perfectly level surface plate, then flick one end with the nail of your right index figure.  If it flies off the surface plate and breaks on the floor, you've got a bad fuse.  Better luck next time.  If it stays on the surface plate, select the end of the fuse that is pointing away from you and stick it in first.  I won't insult you by telling you where to stick it.