Fuses absolutely make a difference ,the stock steel fuses tons of resistance , Copper or Silvers 4 x better conductor .
I use on power cords and fuses Furutech Nano fluid which is nano particles of Silver and Gold and fills in the voids ,or pours in metal.
takes 75-100 hours but a noticeable increase in resolution ,system dependent of course. after seeing on Stereo times best of 2020
$2200 fuses ,that's just insane IMO , the Synergistic Orange at $160 is steep for a fuse but worth the results. Synergistic will be coming out with a even better fuse ,this year I heard when is anybody’sguess and I would imagine creeping up near the $200 mark.
I use on power cords and fuses Furutech Nano fluid which is nano particles of Silver and Gold and fills in the voids ,or pours in metal.
takes 75-100 hours but a noticeable increase in resolution ,system dependent of course. after seeing on Stereo times best of 2020
$2200 fuses ,that's just insane IMO , the Synergistic Orange at $160 is steep for a fuse but worth the results. Synergistic will be coming out with a even better fuse ,this year I heard when is anybody’sguess and I would imagine creeping up near the $200 mark.