Future of cables!


I know very little about cable technology & even less about quantum physics. I read this & immediately thought (10+yrs down the road) this would upend cable tech: efficiency, clarity, & probably a bunch of stuff I don’t even know about that goes into cable science.

So, say hello to your new 2030 $70k cables. I’m curious what other people think.
How? The way everyone around here proves things with subjective experience? OK, I never heard any difference between using vibration control and not using it. BAM, proved.
If you can’t hear the difference it’s because you’re either going deaf or all thumbs. Just another outlier. No offense. 
If you do hear a difference  it's because of expectation bias, no offense. 
I was not expecting that. 😬

But seriously, it’s your word against 10,000 others. Who ya gonna believe? Maybe it’s a giant global conspiracy, did you think of that?