You're welcome. Thank you for your kind reply. In answer to your question, I do not document results, per se. I communicate with people for as long as they wish to be in touch and have seen many people improve their health. I document my research on my site and in my books. I offer my opinions and give free follow-up with my books.
I have seen hundreds if not thousands of cases of MS, Crohn's disease and Lyme disease since 1996. IMO, in the majority of cases there appears to be underlying metal and/or chemical toxicity. Toxins can concentrate in organs and bodily systems causing pathological changes. Toxicity is not often recognized by the medical system as a cause of pathology. But there is specialized lab testing that can be done to determine metal toxicity. I let people know about effective lab testing that patients and their practitioners may use to determine toxicity levels -- testing that few practitioners may be familiar with.
I have seen countless cases over the past 20 years that are related to mercury toxicity from so-called silver amalgam fillings. These fillings are 50% mercury. The medical system is not oriented to look in this direction, although there are many practitioners within the system who are. I provide people with information they may not find elsewhere to help them make informed choices and decisions, not uninformed ones -- which happens to so many people and which happened to me. I also connect people with competent dental and medical practitioners. It is up to individuals to make their choices and decisions in consultation with their practitioners.
I have done extensive research on dental mercury. I try to heighten people's awareness about the dangers and the possible links to pathology. I try to help people connect the dots. I also work with practitioners to heighten their awareness of various issues including safe amalgam removal followed up by safe and effective detoxification after removal.
I remember one of the first cases back in the 1990s -- a young lady from Macon, GA -- bedridden with MS, like I was in 1989. She found me on a Usenet forum. She said they had to carry her from the bed to the wheel chair to the toilet. She was suicidal. Today she leads a normal life -- no disability whatsoever, like me -- and she has a good job in the computer industry. She was the first of many recovery cases I have seen over the past 20 years.
I invented the pulse generators on my site. People use them as personal experimental devices. They are not medical devices that have been approved by regulators. No claims or guarantees are attached to their use. The approval process is beyond the financial reach of a small businesses like mine. In fact, I let everyone know that my pulse generators are only a small part of the picture where there is suspected underlying toxicity. Detoxification may be a higher priority, initially. Anecdotal evidence for my devices in the form of hundreds of unsolicited testimonials is provided on my site. I offer a 3-month trial. There is a return rate of less than 1%.
Recovery from illness can be complex. IMO there is often a chain of pathology created by toxins and pathogens. My pulse generators, while having the capacity to kill pathogens attracted to metal and chemical toxins, does not address all facets of the problem. The challenge is to get to the root of the problem beneath opportunistic pathogens. Sympathetic and competent practitioners are invaluable in this regard.
I do not diagnose, prescribe or give medical advice. Since I am not a practitioner and do not treat people I do not guarantee any results. That's against the law. I am an independent researcher. I offer my opinions based on my recovery, my experience and my research. And I also relate the opinions of others based on their experience and research. Through the years many practitioners have asked for my opinions in order to help assist their patients.